壹、設置宗旨 Mission

In response to the demand from industries for mid-to-senior-level technical talents and to strengthen the domestic workforce structure, we aim to expand the recruitment of outstanding international students to study in Taiwan. Furthermore, we encourage them to stay in Taiwan for employment after graduation. This initiative effectively integrates the distinctive resources of international exchange and cooperation within universities and combines them with the strength of industries to jointly engage in talent cultivation.

貳、師資特色 Faculty Expertise

By integrating faculty from academia and industry, we collaboratively design courses. All faculty appointments and course offerings adhere to the review and appointment processes specified by the Ministry of Education, ensuring the quality of learning content for students. Through specialized project production and internship courses led by experienced professionals from the industry, we aim to enhance and integrate students' capabilities in industrial and systems engineering applications. Upon completion, students will have engaged in team collaboration, project production, and internship experiences within relevant fields, enabling them to become interdisciplinary talents and enhancing their workplace competencies, thus adding value to their career prospects and enriching their journey towards achieving their life goals.

參、專業設備 Required Software
Our department provides various teaching and research software and hardware equipment forboth faculty and students. Some of the featured software includes:
一、 繪圖設計軟體 Drawing and Design Software
1. Autodesk Inventor 2022:用來進行3D 機械設計、模擬、顯示、與儲存。於電腦輔助設計與製造、CAD 與虛實整合系統等課程中使用。廣泛應用在鋼鐵業、製造業即營造業。
Used for 3D mechanical design, simulation, visualization, and storage. Applied in courses such as Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) and Integrated CAD/CAM systems. Widely used in industries such as steel, manufacturing, and construction.
2. Autodesk AutoCAD:可繪製各式機械工程視圖。於工程圖學課程中使用。廣泛應用在鋼鐵業、製造業及營造業。
Enables the drawing of various mechanical engineering views. Used in Engineering Graphics courses. Widely applied in industries such as steel, manufacturing, and construction.

二、 模擬軟體 Simulation Software
1. Arena:可建立模型來代表真實系統,透過模擬實驗得到系統改變後的量化結果。於系統模擬、模擬分析課程中使用,使學生透過模型了解真實系統的行為,進一步分析各種決策對該系統產生的變化。

Allows the creation of models to represent real systems, obtaining quantitative results through simulation experiments. Used in courses such as System Simulation and Simulation Analysis, enabling students to understand the behavior of real systems through modeling and further analyze the effects of various decisions on the system.

2. Flexsim:建立視覺化模擬系統。於 CAD 與虛實整合系統、生產計劃與管制、碩專班作業研究課程中使用,讓學生透過模擬產業進行不同方案分析,解決實務問題。廣泛應用在汽車製造業、晶圓廠、電子組裝業、面板廠。

Creates visual simulation systems. Utilized in courses such as Integrated CAD/CAM systems, Production Planning and Control, and Graduate Program Research Projects, enabling students to analyze different scenarios through industrial simulation and solve practical problems. Widely applied in industries such as automotive manufacturing, semiconductor fabs, electronic assembly, and panel factories.

3. GAMS 教育單機版軟體:用於數學優化的高級建模系統。於碩專班作業研究課程中使用。廣泛運用在不同領域,包括能源和化學工業,用於經濟建模,農業規劃或製造業。

GAMS Education Single User Software: Advanced modeling system used for mathematical optimization.Employed in Graduate Program Research Projects courses. Widely used across various fields, including energy and chemical industries, for economic modeling, agricultural planning, or manufacturing.

三、 統計軟體 Statistical Software
MINITAB:提供製程管制、實驗設計、量測系統分析、可靠度等工具。於實驗設計、迴歸分析、品質管理、統計方法等課程中使用,培養學生具有分析與解釋結果的能力。全球近百家企業使用此軟體,如:3M、Microsoft、Adobe、Amazon.com 等。

This software provides tools for process control, experimental design, measurement system analysis, reliability, and more. It is used in courses such as experimental design, regression analysis, quality management,and statistical methods to cultivate students' abilities in analyzing and interpreting results.Nearly a hundred companies worldwide utilize this software, including 3M, Microsoft, Adobe,Amazon.com, and others.

四、 程式語言 Programming Language
1. R:統計分析及資料探勘的程式語言。於計算統計 R 語言、管理數學等課程中使用。

Aprogramming language for statistical analysis and data mining. Used in courses such as Computational Statistics with R, and Management Mathematics.

2. Python+ Anaconda+ Tensorflow:建立深度學習網路。於類神經網路、多準則決策分析、機器學習、作業研究等課程中使用。

Used to build deep learning networks. Employed in courses such as Neural Networks, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Machine Learning, and
Operations Research.

3. SQL:用於管理關聯式資料庫管理系統。於資料庫系統課程中使用,使學生具有資料庫系統分析、設計及實作的能力。

Used for managing relational database management systems. Taught in Database Systems courses to equip students with the ability to analyze, design, and implement database systems.

4. Code Blocks:跨平台的整合式開發環境,使用 C++開發。於計算機概論課程中使用,培養學生學習程式基本架構與邏輯應用。

A cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) for C++ development. Used in courses such as Introduction to Computer Science to cultivate students' understanding of basic programming structures and logic applications.

5. IBM ILOG CPLEX:使用數學和限制規劃,快速開發和部署決策優化模型。於智慧型製造系統課程中使用,培養學生利用數學規劃方法和軟體產生最佳化單廠多生產線排程、跨廠訂單排程和機台派工排程,以提升產業生產績效。

Utilizes mathematical and constraint programming for rapid development and deployment of decision optimization models. Applied in courses such as Intelligent Manufacturing Systems to train students in optimizing single-factory
multi-production line scheduling, cross-factory order scheduling, and machine dispatch scheduling, thereby enhancing industrial production efficiency.

6. MATLAB:數值運算軟體,高階科技運算語言,提供互動式的開發環境,可進行資料的分析和數值運算。

A numerical computing software and high-level technical computing language.Provides an interactive development environment for data analysis and numerical computation.

五、 其他特色軟體 Additional Softwares
1. Tobii:資料蒐集及數據分析軟體,需搭配感性創意人因工程實驗室的眼動儀使用。

Data collection and data analysis software, used in conjunction with eye trackers in the Sensory Creative Human Factors Engineering Laboratory.

2. ERP:於製造資訊系統課程中使用。

Employed in Manufacturing Information Systems courses.

3. Adobe Dreamwaver:於資料庫系統課程中使用。

Used in Database Systems courses.

4. Famic Technologies Automation Studio 第七版:虛實系統整合軟體,於電腦整合製造、製造聯網整合技術、智慧型製造課程中使用。

7th Edition: Integrated software for virtual and real systems, used in courses such as Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Manufacturing Network Integration Technologies, and Intelligent Manufacturing.


陸、就業方向 Career Path
Production Management: Production Engineer, Operations Manager, Supply Chain Manager, Project Manager, Logistics Manager, Manufacturing Supervisor, Quality Control Manager, Industrial Engineer

Process Development: Automation Engineer, Control Systems Engineer, Semiconductor/Process Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer

Quality Management: Quality Engineer, Quality Assurance Engineer, Quality Control Auditor,Reliability Engineer, Test Engineer Consultant, Failure Analysis Engineer.

四、IE 相關領域:IE 工程師、環安衛工程師、人因工程師、設計工程師、服務管理師、系統工程師、客戶服務工程師、市場調查師……等。
Industrial Engineering: Industrial Engineer, Environmental Health and Safety Engineer, Human Factors Engineer, Design Engineer, Service Management Specialist, Systems Engineer,Customer Service Engineer, Market Research Analyst.


柒、學系資訊 Department Information


phone number :03-265-4412


Official website:https://ise.cycu.edu.tw/intense-masters-program