壹、設置宗旨 Mission

The principles for establishing a Master's Program in Semiconductor Talent Cultivation of the college of Science are formed by integrating the faculties, courses, and facilities of the College of Science,Engineering, and Electrical Engineering and Information at the university into the semiconductor industry chain. The most important task is to integrate the advantageous areas and faculty resources within the university and closely cooperate with the industry to create a "human resource bank" for the semiconductor industry. The goal is to cultivate semiconductor talents for societal needs and to actively respond to the urgent demand for semiconductor talents in the industry.

貳、師資特色 Faculty Expertise

This program will integrate faculties, courses, and facilities related to semiconductor disciplines such as integrated circuit design and testing, epitaxial technology, process module technology,packaging, etc., from the College of Science, College of Engineering, and College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. This initiative aims to actively promote the cultivation of professional talents in the semiconductor industry.

參、專業設備 Research Center & Facilities
一、 本校科學館在半導體相關之晶體材料與光學技術領域研究基礎上,成立「半導體材料暨先進光學校級研究中心」,該校級研究中心空間位於本校知行領航館 210 室,可提供教學及研究使用。

Based on research foundations in the fields of semiconductor-related crystal materials and optical technology, our university has established the "Semiconductor Materials and Advanced Optics School-level Research Center." The research center is
located in Room 210 of the Knowledge and Action Navigation Hall on campus, providing facilities for both teaching and research purposes.

二、 於本校科學館 B02 室設立院級「數位光學應用暨新穎晶體材料研究中心」及知行領航館 2樓 210 室設立校級「半導體材料暨先進光學研究中心」,提供本校物理系、化學系、電子工程學系老師實驗室及學生光學實驗課程及晶體材料測試課程使用。

The "Center for Digital Optical Applications and Novel Crystal Materials Research" is established in Room B02 of the Science Building, and the "Semiconductor Materials and Advanced Optics Research Center" is located in Room 210 on the second floor of the Knowledge and Action Navigation Hall. These facilities are provided for the laboratories of faculty members from the Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry, and Department of Electronic Engineering, as well as for student optical experiment courses and crystal material testing courses.

三、 半導體人才培育計畫六大專業模組實驗室:半導體人才培育計畫為六大專業領域設立不同的實驗室,分別為
1.積體電路設計測試:電子大樓 B11 電子系研討室(IC 測試)與電子大樓 416 計算機應用實驗室(IC 設計)、
2.磊晶技術:理學大樓 104 分子束磊晶研究室
3.製程模組技術:電子大樓 814 無塵黃光室與工學院 617 微系統與控制研究室(微影)
4.封裝:工學院 817 電子量測實驗室
The Semiconductor Talent Cultivation Program features six specialized laboratory modules:
1.Integrated Circuit Design and Testing: Electronic Building B11 Electronic Department
Seminar Room (IC Testing) and Electronic Building 416 Computer Application Laboratory
(IC Design).
2.Epitaxial Technology: Science Building 104 Molecular Beam Epitaxy Research Laboratory.
3.Process Module Technology: Electronic Building 814 Cleanroom Lithography Room and
College of Engineering 617 Microsystems and Control Research Laboratory
4. Packaging: College of Engineering 817 Electronic Measurement Laboratory.
5. Metrology: Taichung Precious Instrument Center.
6. Semiconductor Equipment: Advanced Microfabrication Laboratory.

肆、合作企業與獎學金名額 Collaborating Enterprise & Quotation
一、 南茂科技股份有限公司 (3 名)
二、 德微科技股份有限公司 (6 名)
Eris Technology Corporation: 6
三、 新應材股份有限公司 (6 名)
Advanced Echem Materials Company Limited: 6

伍、學系資訊 Department Information


phone number :03-265-3016


Official website:https://deptweb.cycu.edu.tw/smoc/