【大學部僑外助學金公告】Stipend for undergraduate international students



If you're within the top 25% of your department academically and didn't withdraw the course last semester, then you may apply for international students' stipend till March 15th 2024 (Fri.).



繳交申請文件/ Application Materials

1.線上申請 / Online Application: https://itouch.cycu.edu.tw/go/?w=5489@forms
此次不提供紙本申請表,請上線填寫表單 / There is no paper application form this time. Please fill in the form online.

2.成績單/ Transcript of academic record
成績單上需要看到系排名與百分比,請以3月4日之後的正式排名為準 / Rank in the department and percentage scale must be shown, please refer to the official ranking after March 4.

3.導師或輔導教官意見/ Professor, Drillmaster or Tutor's opinions
意見不限格式,但須請導師或輔導教官簽名或蓋章 / There is no format limit for the opinion, but it must be signed or stamped by the Professor, Drillmaster or Tutor

4.如果前一學期有申請並完成35小時工作時數請繳交至國際處張老師,地點:維澈樓704辦公室/ If you've finished your 35 hours service, please hand in the service record form to Ms. Linda at OIA office room 704 of Dickson Lee Hall.