
Thank you for participating in today’s event. The following links are today's slides. You are welcome to download it.


0. 國際學生手冊 / International Students Handbook: https://reurl.cc/E1X31A

1. 僑外助學金及外籍研究生華語畢業門檻 / Scholarship and Chinese proficiency requirement: https://reurl.cc/7MjYAb

2. 居留證 / ARC: https://reurl.cc/Wvqz97

3. International Students 101: https://reurl.cc/edWa5m

4. 健康保險 / Health Insurance: https://reurl.cc/GKXDVd 

5. 工作證 / Working Permit: https://reurl.cc/5O8aly

6. 諮商中心 / Counseling Center: https://reurl.cc/6QLXr6

7. 華語中心 / Mandarin Learning Center: https://reurl.cc/3e3ydX

8. 校牧室 / Chaplain’s Office: https://reurl.cc/L6XevX

9. Ucan Test: https://reurl.cc/z6rO20

懶人包 / All in one: https://reurl.cc/y6mXgq